Information About

Hallo Bay

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58 ° 27' 27" N,
154 ° 1' 23.999" W


Kodiak Island

Nearest City


Hallo Bay in Detail.


on S coast of Alaska Peninsula, in Katmai National Monument, 35 mi. NE of Mount Katmai, Aleutian Range. 7.5 miles wide.


Published in 1868 by U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS); Transliteration of a native word, published in French as P(ort)e Aiou by Admiral von Krusenstern (1827, map 17), Imperial Russian Navy (IRN); in Russian as Z(aliv) Ayu by Captain Tebenkov (1852, map 22), Imperial Russian Navy (IRN). Local pronunciation of the name was like "Hello," according to W. H. Dall, U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS), in 1868; whereas G. C. Martin, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in 1905 reported the native pronunciation as "Ayou" or "Aiv."